Asset name:
Norseman Restaurant
Explore an unforgettable dining experience at The Norseman Restaurant in L'Anse aux Meadows.The prices are very affordable and the quality of cuisine is amazing. Relax in the restaurant next to a warm fire. Take in a fabulous view of the ocean where whales and Icebergs cross paths as the sunsets in front of you. Select your wine from an extensive list as our chef prepares locally harvested seafood, wild game and other specialties. A variety of fine Newfoundland and Labrador art, such as soapstone, moose antler carvings, polar fleece, jewellery, Innu tea-doll, sealskin slippers, watercolors and oil paintings, local photographs, books, Viking games and Newfoundland and Norse music.
Heritage Site
Cultural Organization
Space and/or Facility
Great Northern Peninsula culture
Viking, Culinary Tourism, Arts
L'Anse aux Meadows