Asset name:
GNP Crafts
The GNP Crafts economuseum started as the Great Northern Peninsula (GNP) Craft Producers inc. in 1991. It was a pilot project aimed to determine the potential of selling products made by local crafts people using raw material and traditional techniques. GNP Crafts is a profit making cooperative run by a board of directors. Their mission is the enhancement of the regions rich cultural heritage while increasing public awareness of the important role played by the seal industry in the survival and development of the Great Northern Peninsula's coastal communities. There is a boutique where the products are showcased and sold for a profit. The boutique also displays interpretative panels describing the seal hunt and the methods used to tan the skins and make the products. The variety of products that can be purchased include seal skin boots, hats, jackets, moccasins, slippers, change purses, etc. The products can be bought at the boutique or ordered online.
Cultural Organization
Cultural Industry
Cultural Occupation
Space and/or Facility
Great Northern Peninsula culture
Shoal Cove East